Catalog 'Our memories and I'

Rédigé le 07/11/2019
André Bossuroy

MEDIEL is member of the European Observatory of Memories (EUROM), a network partners of universities, institutions and associations identifying and analyzing the different memorial processes occurring in Europe and other continents from the point of view of experts, professionals and civil society.

Trough artistic, audiovisual and TV projects, MEDIEL analyzes the memorial processes occurring in different countries of Europe from the point of view of young Europeans in the role of citizen reporters. These young reporters confront with historians and the public the discoveries they make on the ground with witnesses who took part in the events of the past. With these films, expositions and artistic workshops, they promote then debates in schools, in universities and with civil society.

MEDIEL has published a catalog collecting the methodology and the results of the interdisciplinary art workshops carried out by the artist Roman Kroke in the framework of the Eramus + project “Our memories and I”. The project was developed from 2017 to 2019 under the coordination of the EUROM.

Author, layout and concept: Roman Kroke

Under the coordination of EUROM

Publisher: MEDIEL absl, Wavre, Belgium (2019)
